Mandatory Hello World!
Why another blog ? That too using jekyll and github pages ?
print("Hello World")
#=> prints 'Hello ,World' to STDOUT.
// Primarily because I needed a log. Blog might as well be bullshit-log in my case. I learnt CS50 from edX , ended up realizing I need a lot more knowledge and have to buy a domain to publish and write anything. Don’t like wordpress cuzz sites a heavy with plugins and I hate slow loading. Don’t like blogspot cuzz it ain’t that customizable with the CSS I want.
Solution was to learn the whole web-front-backend-jack-of-all-web thing and publish whatever I do somewhere so this blog. Personally I ain’t writing this for anyone but me now. I needed a log of all the mini-projects and stuff I’ve done. Also writing logs on ipython Jupyter-notebooks became borng and hard to read ,so BLOGS ! Turns out , I need references and documentation of my own projects because it turns out I forgot PERL which I learnt for my first year project. So I really need a logging system public on the web since a disaster wiped out my entire hard drive.
This blog is categorized into 3 topics:
- #Personal - contains personal trauma, hapiness and experiences ,outlets and social media drama ofc. :D
- #Projects - this is serious and gonna contain things I’ve lked and worked on. This is gonna be tough since github only supports static webpages and I need a way to incorporate matlab and other scripts to show data.
- #Logs - this is gonna contain all the support logs and everything, from tutorials and issues I’ve faced in my coding tenure from the baby steps to major project problems and how I faced them. This is gonna be huge.
Firstly I need a proper theme. Beginning with this shitty-simple console theme, I need a proper look and feel for the website. Working on it.
Right now as of today, I need to work on GSoC project that’s Dancing on my head.
print("Hello World")
For how to create jekyll sites ? jekyll-docs
who am I, if not the blue pale dot in this utopian battlefield of barabaric bureaucracy. My faint and momentary thoughts quench on all things logical and quantum.