
About Me


  1. I’m a physics major at IISER,Pune.
  2. My interests are quantum information and scalable quantum systems.
  3. I have tonnes of hobbies.
  4. This blog is about physics, simulations,illustrations and personal opinions.
  5. How can you find me ?

The lengthy story

Its inquisitive how neanderthals transformed into the modern man, and its equally inquisitive to me how I became how I am. A curious, confused adult . I am just happy to learn others are as confused as I am and hence I begin the quest of a confused life full of challenges and scary rides.

Presently, I am student at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) , Pune. After my confused teenage years, I decided to pursue my interests in engineering (Yes, I was actually interested) . After a year, I took a massive U-turn to pursue physics at IISER in 2016. It might be surprising how chemistry was my favourite subject till 10th grade and I did not pursue CS like every million dollar salary dreamer wants to nowadays. No, I’ll admit I’m not foolish that I don’t care about money. I believe “Money is something you can never have enough of” and its true, but I also believe in the famous quote much more.

Love what you do, do what you love. Ray Bradbury

I’ve dealt with enough concerns of parents and relatives over the toiling and years of perseverance required in the academia and the fundamental fears , “How much will you earn ?” and even I’m scared of failures more than anything given the numerous failures in the past 2 years. Also nothing is more scary than with the numerous stories of PhD dropouts and scary mentors. But I’m hopeful that I shall prevail because …

‘Hope is a good thing, probably the best of things’ Andy,The Shawshank Redemption(1994)

I read somewhere, the people we surround ourselves with, shape the life we have, and the purpose of life is to touch the lives of as many as we can, since Life is brief , and one doesn’t know time runs out . I once wrote an answer how my brief time yet in academia changed me .

Read Wridhdhisom Karar's answer to How hard did IISc/IISER hit you? on Quora

My Interests

My primary interest and passion is and always will be computing and technology. If that’s contradictory being a physics major, I can explain. I wanted to pursue electronics engineering because while applying thermal glue over an Intel processor before fixing it onto the motherboard,I was always extremely inquisitive how we are overcoming Moore’s law(here’s an amazing video explaining it) and making multiple core processors with higher clock speeds every year. But there exists a natural limit to what we can achieve via classical computing, transistors embedded in the processors (which act as NOT/AND/OR gates) behave weird as they approach nanoscale regime,where quantum effects are promiment. Now yes, I know I know, quantum is such a buzzword these days. From a toaster company ( oh yes ! ) to this meme I can’t get enough of.

Placeholderseriously these guys need to stop.

Quantum is everywhere. Since its so cool, why not quantum computers ? Well, that’s the tough part, and I so wish it was easy as in the hollywood movies . Although quantum computers, if built (after error-correction, better SNR measurement,and using highly coherent isolated systems) are sadly not gonna be put in mobile phones and laptops. Atleast not that soon yet :blush: . But we have to build a big one first.That’s my primary interest. After a hefty coursework and projects over the span of 2 years in quantum Information ,NMR,and open quantum systems, I wish to pursue an academic career building a scalable less-noisy systems.

Other Interests

I am always interested in experimental particle physics. After a semester project on basic CMS data understanding, courses on Nuclear and Particle Physics as well as a Google Summer of Code project with CERN-CMS on designing alignment detector geometries (which did not end well :pensive:) I have a hope to pursue this equally if possible. As I devoted more time to learning quantum information, I couldn’t explore the beautiful theoretical High Energy physics that has engulfed my friends in awe and wonder. I hope someday I get more time to explore.

As a child, every kid wants to be a astronaut . Well,not me . I prefered reading up on Astronautics and my dream course was to pursue Aeronautical Engineering. As a consequence I am always more excited about Chandrayaan launches or be it a Falcon 9 launch. Speaking of space, here’s a picture of me going to the moon .

PlaceholderYes ! I travelled to the Mun. In Kerbal Space program.


Oh they are endless. I’ve explored Photography since 8th grade, cultivated gardening skills over a rooftop garden, Oh I love the concept of vertical farming. I had a phase of Origami and I won a few school level competitions . I debated over a couple of years before hauling myself into projects and research and even won best-speaker awards. Twice. I love waterpolo , and badminton. Although I agree I’m lazy and those are occasional. Also I love cooking. That’s pretty evident from my instagram feed.

When I’m not doing any of the above, I waste time automating things using programming. Like this website. I spent 72 hours learning CSS and JavaScript and built this website on top of an existing theme in just 5 days with no sleep. Bdw, I hate sleeping .

Why this blog

I had made 3 blogs before this.

This blog is a personal space of my work,thoughts and opinions. Contains logs of computing difficulties I’ve faced while installing a software, simulating a system or any incident that has affected me. Hence as a disclaimer I promise not to be offensive, hurtful of any person’s sentiments and incidents.

Find Me ?

I’m available on Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , Quora and Github. You can directly drop me a message here or email me directly.